''John Carter, Warlord of Mars'' is a Marvel Comics series created in 1977 by Marv Wolfman (writer) and Gil Kane (penciller), based on the Barsoom series of Edgar Rice Burroughs and featuring the eponymous character. The entire series (with few exceptions) takes place between the third and fourth paragraphs of chapter 27 of Burroughs' novel ''A Princess of Mars''. The series ran from 1977 to 1979. In 1978 it won the "Favourite New Title" Eagle Award ==Other comics featuring the character== Dell Comics released three issues of ''John Carter of Mars'' under its ''Four Color Comics'' banner. The issue numbers are 375, 437, and 488, and were released in 1952-1953. Gold Key Comics would reprint them as three issues in 1964, numbering one through three, but reprinted them out of order. Dark Horse Comics in 2010 reprinted the comics in a hard back archive edition. John Carter appeared in DC Comics' ''Tarzan'' comics #207-209, then ''Weird Worlds'' #1-7 and ''Tarzan Family'' 62-64 in the early 1970s. There was also a four-issue mini-series cross-over in 1996 with another of Burroughs' characters, Tarzan, in ''Tarzan/John Carter: Warlords of Mars'' from Dark Horse Comics. Starting in October 2010, Dynamite Entertainment has begun publishing a regular series entitled ''Warlord of Mars''. The first two issues served as a prelude story, issues 3-9 adapted ''A Princess of Mars'', and issues 10-12 were an original story with following issues alternating between adaptation and new stories. Since 2011, there is a regular Dejah Thoris series and there have been many mini-series. In 2011, Marvel published two mini-series, "John Carter: A Princess of Mars" by Roger Langridge (scripts) and Filipe Andrade (art) and "John Carter: World of Mars" by Peter David (scripts) and Luke Ross (art), a prequel to the Disney Movie, In 2012, Marvel published a new miniseries "John Carter: Gods of Mars," based on the novel the Gods of Mars, the series was produced by Sam Humphries (scripts) and Ramon Perez (art). In 2014, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. initiated the publication of webcomic '' Warlord of Mars'' by Roy Thomas (script) and Rodolfo Perez Garcia (art). 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「John Carter, Warlord of Mars」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク